Why this health tech group picked Nashville – not Silicon Valley — to help unlock the future of health care


Walking around the future headquarters of the organization he’s been charged to build, Ed Cantwell shared his grand aspirations.

Ideally, he said, the space on the second floor of OneCity’s first office building will become a hub for the way future health care innovations are developed. The goal is to house more than 100 engineers here, staffing a lab that helps health care technologies work together in a way that can transform the industry. He also hopes to share space with innovators and entrepreneurs who see ways to make a real difference in health care once the industry’s data is more accessible.

now why I’m here,” said Cantwell, executive director of the Center for Medical Interoperability. “A lot of other organizations don’t understand why you would put this center in Nashville, [they’d say] put it in Silicon Valley, put it in Boston, put it in D.C. I want this to be accessible to anybody in Nashville that wants to talk about innovation and transform via an interoperable platform.” Read More